East River Restoration | Almont, CO

CLIENT: Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW)

PROJECT TYPE: Fish Passage Design, Natural Channel Design, Irrigation Ditch Diversion Design, Aquatic & Terrestrial Habitat Restoration


WaterVation was was hired by Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW) to develop stream restoration plans and construction oversight for 10,000 LF on the East River. For this project WaterVation leads a team with North State Environmental Contractors to provide a design build project delivery for CPW.

Section of the East River were channelized during the construction of Roaring Judy State Fish Hatchery. The project seeks to restore natural river channel function, decrease lateral instability and bank erosion, reduce risk of inundation or deterioration of hatchery infrastructure, support kokanee migration, and improve trout habitat and passage. A full assessment was completed for all 2 miles of the East River on the CPW property. From the assessment and conceptual design four key project locations were determined for preliminary design and ultimately construction. This includes streambank stabilization in two key areas and improved function, fish passage and habitat at the CPW diversion for the hatchery and the kokanee diversion location.


Gunnison River Restoration at Wilson Diversion