Gunnison River Restoration at Wilson Diversion | Gunnison, CO
CLIENT: Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW)
PROJECT TYPE: Fish Passage Design, Natural Channel Design, Irrigation Ditch Diversion Design
WaterVation was was hired by Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW) to develop stream restoration plans and construction oversight for 600 LF on the Gunnison River. For this project WaterVation lead a team with North State Environmental Contractors to provide a design build project delivery for CPW.
During the Spring of 2019 a wood toe on the Gunnison River failed due to an improper radius of curvature. The project goals are to repair the channel bend with an improved radius of curvature, connect to the floodplain, and improve structure. The project seeks to improve overall stability and aquatic habitat connection throughout the reach. This requires working with the constraints of an existing ditch diversion and consideration of safe downstream passage for boaters.
The existing ditch diversion configuration was not operating as intended and resulted in additional pressures on the immediately downstream streambank. In addition, the boulder vane configuration and upstream aggradational state resulted in a fish passage barrier. WaterVation reconfigured the boulder vane structures at the ditch diversion to address one of the root causes of downstream bank failure. This reconfiguration provides enhances the ditch diversion configuration, fish passage, and reduces upstream aggradation.