Turkey Creek Watershed Assessment | Harlan, NE

  • CLIENT: Nebraska Game & Park Commission (NGPC) 

  • PROJECT TYPE: Watershed Assessment for River Stability & Sediment Supply (WARSSS) 

  • PROJECT LOCATION:  Harlan County, Nebraska

WaterVation was hired by the Nebraska Game & Park Commission (NGPC) to complete a Watershed Assessment for River Stability & Sediment Supply (WARSSS) study for Turkey Creek. The goals of the project were to: 

• Quantify existing (baseline) watershed conditions for hydrology, stream morphology, riparian function, and aquatic habitat. 

• Provide a predictive analysis of expected future conditions associated with hydromodification 

within the Wildlife Management Area (WMA) property. 

• Identify areas at high-risk from hydromodification that should be monitored. 

As part of this study WaterVation completed a Reconnaissance Level Assessment (RLA) to review and compile all existing data available for the project area to identify sediment sources and channel stability problems linked to land and river management activities. The next step as part of the study is to complete a Rapid Resource Inventory for Sediment & Stability Consequence (RRISSC) to further delineate the watershed into risk categories based on severity of sediment loading and potential consequences. 

The final level of the study is comprised of the Predictive Level Assessment (PLA), which is performed on the WMA property. As part of the PLA WaterVation: 

• Developed estimations of bankfull flow using regional curves, gage data, and field-based indicators. 

• Performed detailed geomorphic stream surveys of dimension, pattern, and profile. 

• Provided high-resolution aerial imagery for long-term monitoring. 

• Quantified stream stability and function using field-based measurements of flow, vegetation, meander pattern, channel blockages, stream succession, confinement, and zones of erosion/deposition. 

• Provided bank erosion mapping and quantification. 


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